♥ "looking for the most heartwarming food
the greatest pair of shoes and conquer the world." |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 @ 12:32 PM its so long baby.. i juz signed up for the X-Campus 6.5 k run. haha. its so long since i run competitively. The last time i remb doing so is probably sec 3 X-Country. then i was walking or jogging halfheartedly for that event every year after that. so i need some kind of motivation! and i only got 6days to train myself hahaha. wtf i remembered when las time i trained for X- country i ran every other day for 2 weeks and its only 3.2k. at least i wan to train till throughout 6.5k i will not stop at all. hey juan, i join u for ur marathon training.(or rather half-marathon since u only plan to run till 21k but paid 45bucks for 42k wtf)hahahahhaha anyone has joined??? it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 @ 8:29 PM i am young, kind and loving did i mention how i am afraid/dislike when pple growing to attach to me?? arghhhh. it makes me want to run away from them. keep some distance from me purlease. no. im nt anti-social.i looked kind and loving.wtf ------- happy bird day to my grandpa andrew. and for evans' sake(thinking of evans almighty), 19 is not old at all lah! and i dun look like a kid. coz im already thinking of botox and i am nt even 19 yet!HAHAHHAHAHAHA. im saving for botox/fillers injection 20+ years later.wtf. my mum said that im insulting her.hahahahahaha. *** im going to pick up my nike free again. going running! on no rain days.thats it. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Saturday, August 25, 2007 @ 7:17 PM tired i decided to redo the colorgenics test since it is so accurate and i feel slightly different 2day.so very bored sia. "You feel worn out, physically and mentally. Recently the going has been tough and it looks as if there is still a considerable way for you to go before you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If only you could put a protecting wall around yourself and cut yourself off from the rest of the world - be it even for only a little while - how wonderful it would be, but you can't - so you need to bear with it. Just when everything will seem at its lowest ebb you will find that there is a turnabout and your problems will seem to find a way of resolving themselves. You dislike playing the field in every sense of the word. When you develop a relationship it needs to be a close fulfilling one, one that has deep meaning for all parties concerned. Enough is enough - but the problems never seem to stop. They never stop. You feel, and maybe you are right, that the problems seem to go on and on and you have indeed had more than your fair share of trials and tribulations. But to give you credit - you bounce back time and time again - you stick to your beliefs because deep down you have that inner knowledge, that 'belief' system that in the end, everything will turn out OK - and you are right -it will! There is a suppressed anxiety which may be the result of an unsatisfactory or discordant personal relationship. This has led or is leading to unwarranted excess stress and tension. You are angry, uptight and feeling the physical effects of this anxiety. It is essential that you calm down, your physical well-being could be in jeopardy. It would seem that most of your stress is a result of an unsatisfactory relationship. You have tried, or are considering the possibility of trying to restore the love and trust situation - but so far - perhaps to no avail. So the situation is regarded as depressing and this unhappy state continues to aggravate the situation to a point of complete helplessness. You are worn out and lack both physical and mental energy. This lack of vitality has created an intolerance for any further excitement and you feel that you just cannot carry on; but you have been like that many times before and the situation passed. You again need to get away from it all - even if it is only for a little while. A relaxed body cannot contain a destructive emotion and the secret for you is to just relax." very true and very not true lah.exaggerating sia. im tired.sleepy leh. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Thursday, August 23, 2007 @ 4:42 PM celebration! 2day juz meet up with juan to celebrate. celebrate our broke days are here again. hahahahha. no lah. we celebrated with missy donuts at Plaza T___T ![]() Maple Iced Glazed ![]() Apple Cinnamon Actually their donuts are qt soft and are quite good. i prefer the maple sugar though. i will love it more if it is fluffy enough. anw we went to Streets the new Hong Kong Cafe opened in Plaza. its really............. jaw dropping. look at their Bo Lo Bun with Butter. ![]() Pineapple fruit with butter bun. their "bo lo" is a slice of pineapple fruit and a slice of butter sandwiched between two burger buns. T________________T look at their supposedly French Toast with Peanut Butter and Condensed Milk. ![]() this is juz a big slice of bread with peanut butter spread on top, drizzled with condensed milk. French toast???? once again this shows that u cant expect anything in plaza to be good T______T Believe me. dun visit it. but they are creative.lol. everytime we take picture she will kneeled down slightly and i will tilt toe automatically. lol. we are so used to that that we do that unconsciously. we are actually able to hang around plaza for 2+ hours. Lol. i dun remember we actually ever ask each other where to go nxt or duno where to hang out le. talking cock together is more important.hahahahahaha it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Tuesday, August 21, 2007 @ 12:04 PM does it really exist? i am currently reading Shen Xue's new book (not Xia Xue)The Memory Shop.first time i read her book and i didnt even shed a tear. i was wondering why her book suddenly become all teary and unrealistic. i mean unconditional love is juz so unrealistic man.haha the book is all teary but nth to cry about. i mean unconditional love between people who has no blood relationship with each other is juz... almost does not exist in the world. thats why girlfriends/wife leave their boyfriends/husband when they found out they cheat on them.thats why married couples can turn into enemies and get u wonder wad were they thinking about when they decided to marry each other in the first place. thats why when friends turn foes u no longer trust them. thats why friends can turn enemies. but we see how parents forgive their children no matter wad they did. no matter how they yell at them, they still give the best for their children. this is unconditional love. when u expect mutual feeling from ur partner thats no longer unconditional love anymore. u expect something in return when u love someone else it can even be juz requesting that person to remain how he or she is like. u expect ur friends to keep ur secrets bcoz they are friends. yet families are the ones whom we most easily neglect, forgotten, take for granted of. haha. im like promoting family's day. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 @ 9:19 PM my family trait wads wrong dancing with no music? i was dancing to Eason's Shen Dan Jie through my earpiece myself tts when my mum thought i was a strange breed T___T like she forgot i am her daughter liddat. tt time she was singing the theme song of Da Chang Jing when i was bathing and all i heard was a high-pitched screeching sound and i got freaked out only to find out it was her singing. HAHHAHHAHHAHAH we are quite strange la. except my dad and 2nd sister, if my da jie, mum and i found something funny, we will laugh hysterically together till the floor shakes and vibrates.hahahahahhaha ![]() this is my da jie and me. hahaha. ok. 2 random pics. ![]() dun u tink its very cute that 2 brothers walk in the same manner? ![]() look at the little boy's posture..haha it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Sunday, August 05, 2007 @ 10:38 PM I love POCKY and Sweet Stone! Golden Mile Food Centre The Sweet Stone's Belgium Chocolate Fondue ![]() I got to see it is like the best chocolate fondue. Mainly becoz of the waffles. a tad bit crunchy and its a bit denser kind of waffle almost like bread. It is ALMOST perfect. i will rather the chocolate be less watery but thicker. Then it will be per-FAT! eat and eat like very Fat. HAHAHAHA Anw recently there is alot of new flavors of pocky.. Like... ![]() Grape ![]() Honey & Milk ![]() Super Thin Pocky Love It! I also tried Green Tea =/ Tiramisu =) Mango =) but the best..... ![]() COCONUT!!! it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen