♥ "looking for the most heartwarming food
the greatest pair of shoes and conquer the world." |
Thursday, May 29, 2008 @ 8:55 PM please let it work. i just did it. Book my tickets. I still cant believe i chose Japan over Paris. But if i choose the latter i could barely survive there for 5 days. Me and Juan wanted to go Hong Kong since Tang is cantonese but he didnt want T_______T here it is. What im working so hard for. My first all self-paid trip. im feeling apprehensive about planning the trip. its mind-swirling. Up to now, i have yet to sought a way to travel from kyoto/osaka to hokkaido the fastest cheapest way possible. Whether to base in kyoto when exploring kobe and osaka. All the railway passes scares me. im actually afraid that buying any JR pass might actually cause us to end up spending more than we could. ROAR dun care shit lah its A380 wtf wtf i dun even know why im so stressed. it must be the working life wtf. T_____________T it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Sunday, May 25, 2008 @ 2:40 PM lobster and waterfall. here i am talking about canyoning at vietiam because got nothing to blog T___T no la actually also because i blogged about canyon like one sentence earlier. ![]() Canyoning is basically repelling down a waterfall as i was told. I think this guy is the france guy they met on the way. fast friends. ![]() The waterfall. ![]() Haha climbing to the top and to fall from there. ![]() There will also be water coaster. ![]() Basically hugging the person in front you behind and slide down the water fall. HAHAHAHA i can tell the last fatass is Tang. ![]() Repelling down the waterfall with gushes of water smacking into their faces, therefore you got to stick your fingers into your nose to prevent water from gushing in HAHAHAHAHAHA ![]() 'Repelling down the cold water and breathing at the same time was difficult but the adrenaline rush was superb,' quoted from Tang. ![]() I could tell that in this picture its peanut, french guy and i-duno-who. But it seems very fun! definitely much more fun than working T__________T and eat lobster for dinner that costed only 10bucks T_______T ![]() ![]() The seller who had no stall but just selling by the roadside. ![]() im eating bread for dinner T______________T it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @ 10:22 PM operation in process. keep away. i would like to say that i have used to my current 7-day work lifestyle. Maybe part of me do but part of me dont. no thats not one of those either yes or no question those either you are dead or you are not kind but somethings while the others dont, have greys in between the black and white. because of working i have almost zero social life but thats ok with me. i actually thought i have lost the ability to socialise and becoming volermort who likes to operate alone. Vitasoy and beancurb become the only things that worth spending time with. i havent been eating well too. junk here and there all day. and it isnt doing very good to my mood. thoughts of acids seem to bite into my stomach holes and i dont know how this unsettling feeling come about. this will worth it, i told myself over and over again. ![]() i was very happy and cheerful that day and thats my aim everyday. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Monday, May 19, 2008 @ 12:11 PM if you dont know. The Ruthless once told me that if you clasp your hands together everytime when you feel happiness, unconsciously or consciously, you will be able to feel the same emotion once you repeat that motion. This explains why i would only want to eat those peanut chocolates and colorful assorted ones from candy empire only at vivo city and not to buy them for home consumption or anywhere else and the gleefulness when im sitting on the tall french chair outside corduroy candy savoring those crunchy almond dark chocolates from them and only that seat no where else. I will only do that alone, if not. How i long for those little liberating explosions of light when im crouching in the darkness pit of my stomach. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Sunday, May 18, 2008 @ 10:28 PM shit stuff. Self-righteousness should be tore down and thrown into the pits of hell. All the self-righteous are all hypocritical shit. eaten some shit no mood to blog. but here is the vietiamese and the japanese get to canyon! ![]() shit i wan to go and fall from a waterfall too. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Friday, May 16, 2008 @ 9:42 PM crazy shoes. ![]() ![]() YSL 'Hero' Military stilettos I discovered another fashion blog that i really like, Jak&Jil where else can you find such closed up pictures of shoes? shoes shoes and shoes. But look at this. Is you are trying to tell me this is fashion i think you are plain dumb. Whats the point of them other than trying to break your feet arch on them? Only a really thin bar to support the arch. unless you are trying to walk in air which i think it will be much more comfortable than walking in this, all you got from all this suffering is that 'hey, your soles look so different!' and there is a high possibility that no one will even notice them in the first place. *** and Tang called me this morning just to tell me all the great and cheap food he had eaten to make me envious T______________T at the expense of paying the expensive overseas call. Hahahaha no lah actually he was in a 8hrs bus ride to another city of vietiam and feeling super horrible. just a few pictures that he sent me. ![]() apparently he saw lots of goats and cows in his local tour that he and his friends had signed up for to view the famous Cu Chi Tunnels. ![]() and erm. this soldier trying to hide himself underneath the ground wtf. ![]() locals eating pho. ![]() and vietiam night street. HAHAHAHAHA and he told me only the beef and pork in Vietnam is worth eating. their beef is from the yellow cow that they breed themselves and their pork.... he do not know where they come from T__T but he do see them getting transported in the city. the chicken there is terrible. although fresh, it's almost tasteless and always rock hard. i am working like an elf but he is in holiday! poor people have no choice i guess. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @ 8:19 PM from the botakness. I just opened my email to find out Tang just emailed me from vietiam! he sent me some pictures and complained that his friend's appetite is really small (eh of cos lah compared to two of us, we put even cow's stomach to shame ok wtf). He sent me pictures but as expected they are lousy hahahahaha ok lah quoted from Tang its " the phone damn it". ![]() The crazy traffic in Ho Chi Minh. ![]() ![]() actually this looked like Singapore in 1930s isnt? ![]() finally the food. Hey Tang if you are reading this, why the food so little! wtf. still say like peanut very lousy. 50 steps laughing 100 steps wtf. anyway is that the rice roll to wrap them yourself de? ![]() Tang the officer always so obsessed with army hahahaha wtf. ![]() an auntie balancing an erm i duno basket? on her head. so pro sia. and Tang once again if you are reading this, I wan to go to Chocolate Factory once you are back! Two years le leh wei! also why u haven eat pho yet? got very big beef meatball i heard! *** ![]() I realised. When I am listening to Joey's du zhao I thought of Juan how we walk in the streets near PJ and sing all the way. I remembered when I was reading a Shen Xue's particular book, i was listening to FIR's si xin de li you and that bloody book made me cried my eyes out. And whenever i listened to that song now, I felt like crying T___________T. and today i was listening to Eason's songs i thought of Tang and i realised i miss him T__________T so weird leh no one to discuss about food. who know food better than we do! yeah now that Tang's not in town and I got to save while working 7 days a week. This means no good food for the time being! maybe for a short while Hahahhahahaha. ![]() At chinatown food market They claimed they have the best briskets in town so we got to try it. Do you realise? They are all aged men. ![]() The noodles were very springy and the soup was flavorful i could tell radish is one of the main ingredient. The beef briskets was alittle bland in taste and tad bit to hard to chew. Overall i would said it was very good though i do like the noodles and the soup. till then, expect more posts less on food and more about my other love, fashion. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Sunday, May 11, 2008 @ 10:11 PM when taste is not what you get from whats in your mouth. i was alittle offended when i read ab's comment but slowly it sank into me that how true his words are. Sigh why am i so stupid. please please please scammers dun read my blog. Yesterday's mothers' day celebration was just lunching at Din Tai Feng. I never like them much as i would preferred imperial treasure any day. But its not the point at all the point is to have a nice lunch with everyone in the family and my mum will be turning into a mountain tortoise soon if we dun accompany her out. Jacob's cuteness made even the oily fried rice tasted heaven. ![]() He was very excited to sit on something he never sit before that he kept screeching. ![]() I have no idea what was he staring at but probably he was looking at some people munching on food that he cant have. ![]() ![]() He looked as though he was trying to be some big shot folding his arms but failed. Jacob cannot lah too cute. ![]() Staring at my mum wondering why everyone is eating except for him. He probably was pleading my mum to give him a bite or something. Hahaha quite poor thing to have a whole table of food in front of you but not to touch any of them. ![]() Thats him sleeping halfway. Dun understand why he was so tired when he did no walking and we did all the carrying. Jacob is a pig wtf. When we were buying ice creams from an old man in front of Paragon, I noticed his wrinkled face that speaks of age and his trembling hands which are causing him to have difficulty in cutting the ice cream. where's his children? i couldnt help wondered for he looked so old and fragile to be selling ice cream to earn for a living. *** we all are yearning what we cant have, like how a mice chasing its own tail with strange obsessive longing. Yet once we gotten our hands onto them we tend to overlook, forgetting the reasons why we longed them with such burning desire at the point of time. But as much as the times when i might sound ungrateful, unappreciative i never forgot why i want those things.that sixty cents red bean ice cream that tasted as great as ben&jerry's, that colorful windmills that made me looked like some senseless person or playing a game of volleyball using a balloon. It is the same reason why i would give up that big pack of colorful candy empire chocolates. Or to finish them as fast as possible if they will fill up again. ![]() and milo is the spell to fill them up again. *** ![]() Guess what is this! picture taken at pulau ubin. anyway MO JIA. Brian cant make it on the 18th dinner, for he thought i was talking about a lunch date and he put himself available to work at 6pm. Option 1: go ahead on the 18th and fix another date for the whole gathering. Option 2: Fix it on a saturday except 24th when brian the businessman hahhaha wtf is available. Vote for your choice!wtf it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Saturday, May 10, 2008 @ 10:44 PM the day when i hate shopping. today is a ruddy tiring day. Tang need to buy all the stuff needed for his 2 months adventure when he is flying off on tuesday dawn T______T but must fuel ourselves before all those shopping. It is basically a potatoes and sausages theme since we were at Vivo gotta settle at Marche. ![]() Roasted Potato with bacons, mashed potato and snail meat with rosemary The snail meat with rosemary sausage was good but i was too famished and hunger clouded my judgment. Nevertheless, this sausage is better than those in corduroy cafe but i even think that it is better than the sausages in brotzeit. ![]() Mashed potato Definitely better than the ones in KFC. I was starving lah. Cant say much 'cause i basically stuff everything in my mouth. ![]() Roasted potato with bacon The potato tasted a little different. I wouldnt say it tasted bland but anyway i am too tired i cant remember how it tasted like now T____T ![]() Tuna and onion pizza bread Oh i love these! And the dessert and bakery man still recognised me T_____T eh andrew our "die die must try" too memorable le lah wtf. The pizza bread is alittle like crust and im loving onions more and more! So licking fingers good! ![]() Chocolate bun They look like cinnamon bun dont they? But i cannot say chocolate works as well as cinnamon. It gets alittle sick or maybe i'm getting full hahaha. The soups there were good. Warm and very satisfying with the crunchy breads. Never take picture hungry lah. ![]() Seafood and Chorizza Paella The taste from the herbs used in the paella was overwhelming. Or maybe i dun like it because garlics were used T____T ![]() It became a tradition to pose with the marche cow after eating there wtf. showing my feet to the world wtf *** Shopping is a very energy consuming job. I couldnt even walk straight after that. Desserts at Bakerzin made a nice dinner T_____T ![]() Varlona chocolate with marshmallows ![]() Scarlet ice cream ![]() Vanilla Creme Brulee ![]() Banana pizza with cinnamon ice cream Very shag to comment on them already. All i could say is I like the Varlona hot chocolate which was so got damn rich and the scarlet (raspberry) ice cream very much. ARRGH. GODDAMIT HATE TANG FOR PULLING ME TO SHOP. Snapped his mastercard into two to vent my anger. it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen
Thursday, May 08, 2008 @ 9:43 PM The bests. this is a combined entry based on monday till today. very lazy to blog lah. we went cycling at east coast on monday and the bicycles we rented were damn cocked up. The chain of Tang's bike came off and i'm the one who fixed it apparently because "well you are the engineer," yea im the engineer wtf. and it bloody came off 3 times! and mine one time darn it what kind of shit bikes were these It was a very windy day and this picture is to prove that that it was very windy wtf. ![]() crazy messy hair and my tee was bloated up. And wtf why is my expression liddat! and i looked so super short wtf. ![]() and this is super cheesy Tang pose wtf. Looked like those stupid hokkien songs mtv wtf HAHHAHHHAHHAHA ![]() and look this was our main motive for going cycling. Cycle to 328 Katong laksa stall at east coast road. Many rank this stall as the best katong laksa in Singapore. Apparently many celebrities think so too, you can see the many photos pasted outside the stalls of celebrities with the lady boss. ![]() The laksa gravy was distinctly different from other laksa. More to the sweet side, but i prefer my laksa gravy to be rich and thick. Just like how zhen shan mei laksa is like. But maybe people who are watching their cholesterol level will prefer this style of laksa instead. *Snigger ![]() This is me fixing Tang's bicycle again because it came off again as we were on our way back to the beach. Stupid oil damn difficult to wash off. I actually didnt even want to be bothered with washing my hands with soap when i just finished fixing the bike at the 1st time but Tang screamed at me," are you a girl or what!!!" wtf. yeah no need say you also will know this is taken by Tang thats why so weird lah where got people take picture liddat wannn Then we changed after cycling and went to Wine Garage again!!! ![]() for dinner lah. ![]() super happy. eh we cycled for two hours ok must consume our fats we burned back wtf. ![]() free focca bread. Tang not studying whatever notes lah. Thats the wine list wtf. ![]() Riesling Dr Loosen $21 per glass. We had two glasses each so its already $84. I told Tang how stupid it was not to buy the whole bottle instead because its $87 only $3 difference! why are we so dumb! Yesterday we found Dr Loosen Riesling 2006 only $41 at the organic supermarket! Next time buy the wine and bring there instead. See so smart. ![]() Outdoor sitting definitely much better than sitting in an air conditioned place. Nice breeze ruffling our hair and we get to see people struggle to run to burn calories when we were relaxing and consuming calories wtf. ![]() Steak Tartar with toasted country bread and traditional garnishes $22 I read it from Chubby Hubby that they have the best steak tartar in singapore. Steak tartar is a raw dish, perhaps I rather unable to appreciate steak tartar it tasted alittle bland to me. The mixed charcuterie will be a better choice for people like me. ![]() Roasted duck with orange jus and braised greens I cant say much about this dish because this is Tang's main course. He rather disliked the bitterness taste from the orange jus but the mashed potato was so different from others. Light and creamy. The minced meat was still as good as last time. ![]() The ketchup and chilli. ![]() Garage burger with aged cheddar, zuni pickles, housemade bacons with handcut fries. I ordered this again because i have been dreaming of it everything i heard the word burger ever since I first had it when i was there the first time. The fries was rather different from that time i first had it. It had been better then. Perhaps i was *** Time for desserts at cedele. ![]() Carrot walnut cake. ![]() Chocolate truffle cake. These i swear are the best carrot walnut cake and chocolate truffle cake in singapore. No make it the best cakes in singapore. Beats The Chocolate Factory or Canele Patisserie Chocolaterie or Blue Magnolia or Corduroy cafe or even fullerton chocolate buffet or the line or anywhere lah. Even Sun with moon's best dessert tofu cheesecake cannot win this. Alvina you want dessert? Go cedele next door only. The carrot cake is moist and the frosting is not too sweet but perfect with crunchy walnuts. And just look at the truffle cake its just like a large stab of chocolate bar. *** Time for the best pork knuckle. ![]() At brotzeit. ![]() This is the best prok knuckle in singapore. At many other places' pork knuckles example at Paulaner, their skin and meat were roasted till too hard and difficult to chew. Brotzeit's is different. Skin crunchy at the right degree meat is tender and the fats is oh-my-so-soft kind. Look at the picture, fats are transparent and so damn soft! We went there 5 times and brotzeit never disappoints. ![]() Hele-Weissbier and Dunkel Hefe-weissbier They are both unfithered beer and so it means they are not bitter! ![]() Mine is the Hele-weissbier. 0.5l of beer and who says i get drunk easily huh? wtf. Hahahahaha it's all right to be a midget when you are a queen